Adults who need sacrament prep should go here.
Registration for Religious Education Classes was be held in July of this year in the school building after each Mass. You can still register your children! A copy of the child's baptism certificate must be presented at this time.
Adequate preparation, and therefore adequate attendance, is required in order to keep your child in the current year of sacrament prep. There are 33 total classes in the CCD year. Your child must be in CCD attendance for at least 30 of the 33 weeks in order to play SJV sports, and/or receive the sacraments at year end. Inadequate attendance forces the postponement of sacrament reception until the next cycle of sacrament prep in the fall of the next year.
All CCD children are eligible for SJV sports, and more information on sports teams is available through the parish office. If our attendance policy is a hardship due to divorce or other circumstances, we want to help. Contact the DRE before the September 10, registration deadline to make other attendance arrangements.
In speaking of First Communion for children, the Church specifies simply that they distinguish the “mystery of Christ” in the Eucharist according to their capacity and receive the sacrament with faith and devotion. We seek to prepare them through weekly instruction and formation during regular CCD time, and a special retreat culminating in the reception of these sacraments.
For those not baptized at St. John Vianney, a baptismal certificate must be submitted for sacrament prep.
In speaking of Confirmation, the Church specifies that confirmands be "suitably instructed, properly disposed, and be able to renew the baptismal promises." With these goals foremost in our minds, the CCD program at St. John Vianney strives to make sure that each child is adequately prepared for this important sacrament.
This 2 year preparation program includes weekly instruction, formation requirements, and a retreat, all culminating in the sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring..
For those not baptized at St. John Vianney, a baptismal certificate must be submitted for sacrament prep.
Often children miss receiving the sacraments according to the usual schedule due to relocation, divorce, or conversion. When this is the case, they attend their own initiation classes during regular CCD time, designed to instruct them on the rudiments of the faith and prepare them to receive the sacraments.
For those not baptized at St. John Vianney, a baptismal certificate must be submitted for sacrament prep.