Under the guidance of the pastor, the Altar Guild ensures that all of the physical elements for the celebration of the church’s sacraments and liturgies are prepared with beauty and noble simplicity. This complex, challenging work includes tasks suited to every temperament and talent. For an opportunity to serve in the Altar Guild, contact the church office at 615-452-2977, ext/ 10.
If you are over the age of 55, you are invited to join this group. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month for planned activities.
Our Hispanic ministry nurtures the inclusion and participation of the Hispanic community in the activities, functions, and spiritual life of the church, and fosters individual growth and responsibility within the life of the parish. Hispanic religious education meets at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoons.
The Knights of Columbus, Council 10010 meet on the first Wednesday night of each month in the parish office building. The Knights are effective advocates and defenders of civil and religious rights for all in our community. There is a place in the Knights of Columbus for every qualified man.
The largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, the Legion of Mary has been approved by the last six Popes and was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. Our Lady of Le Leche SPANISH Praesidium meets each Tuesday at 7:00PM in the parish office building. Members do two hours of service work each week, including visiting and ministering Communion to the sick and aged.
Concerned with Catholic education in the parish, its purpose is to formulate policy that will guide Catholic School Education. All elementary schools have a School Board. The School Board is consultative in nature and serves in an advisory role.
SJV Youth Group is a ministry for high school students age 14 and older. The group meets every Monday night from 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. for fellowship and faith formation. Dinner is provided. Recreational outings are also frequently held. If you are a teen who would like to spend time with your peers, learn more about your Catholic faith and build lasting friendships, or if you are an adult who would like to volunteer to help, please call the parish office for more information about getting involved.