With the help of God’s Grace, the Education and Formation Ministry of St. John Vianney Parish strives to bring members into a deep, personal relationship with Christ and His Church.
We provide programs that bring about the formation of children, youth and adults, namely, that they grow in understanding and acceptance of Catholic doctrine; in active participation in liturgical and sacramental life, in embracing the fundamental principles of Catholic morality, and in exercising the life of Catholic prayer.
We offer classes Kindergarten (age 5) through 12. For grades 2-12, sessions include a bi-annual visit to Confession. Registration is $20 per child or $60 per family. This fee covers the cost of text and/or workbook. A copy of baptismal certificate is needed at the time of registration. Classes begin in August and continue until May.
Often children miss receiving the sacraments according to the usual schedule due to relocation, divorce, or conversion. This class is designed to instruct them on the rudiments of the faith and prepare them to receive the sacraments. Classes meet on the same CCD schedule.
High school students meet for class each Sunday morning during CCD time.
SJV Youth Group
SJV Youth Group is a ministry for high school students age 14 and older. The group meets every Monday night from 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. for fellowship and faith formation. Dinner is provided. Recreational outings are also frequently held. If you are a teen who would like to spend time with your peers, learn more about your Catholic faith and build lasting friendships, or if you are an adult who would like to volunteer to help, please call the parish office for more information about getting involved.